SutLer Registration
Please help us to celebrate this historic event, not only in our nation’s history, but also in the history of Hope Lodge. The Encampment will be open to the public from 10 AM to 4 PM.
Please complete the application form as soon as possible in order to have your organization or business name, included in our Encampment program and our press release materials. The deadline to complete the application is October 1 and there is a $25 fee for all Sutlers payable at time of registration. Checks and insurance certificates are to be sent to Friends of Hope Lodge, 553 S. Bethlehem Pike, Fort Washington, PA 19034 by the deadline.
Liability insurance with a combined single limit of $1,000,000 for bodily injury and property damage is required for your participation in the Whitemarsh Encampment Re-enactment at Hope Lodge. Please mail your certificate to Friends of Hope Lodge, 553 S. Bethlehem Pike, Fort Washington, PA 19034 by October 1st.